Custom Muzzle Brake

Custom Muzzle Brake

Pioneer product in its line, unique in the market. Custom muzzle brakes can be retrofitted! It is possible to swap its tip and attachment to the barrel by other parts of the same family. It is also possible to use parts of our Quickshot barrel shrouds.

It has a perfect fit for use with our front sights. The custom muzzle brake protects the barrel of your air rifle from contact with your hand when holding it to cock the airgun, which prevents against wear and rust and is easily installed on most models and brands.

Exclusive 3 fastening screws positioned at 120º from each other allows easy alignment. Rubber pipe and inner rings avoid direct contact between the inside of the muzzlebrake and the ouside surgace of the barrel, which prevents scratches and marks to the barrel as the fastening screws are forced against the ruber pipe only.

Available models:

Muzzle Brake 09 Crown Custom – Available with black and gold tips, Ø15mm and Ø 16mm barrels.


Muzzle Brake 07 Marauder Custom – Available with black and gold tips, Ø15mm and Ø 16mm barrels.


Muzzle Brake 01 10mAR Custom – Shorter, recommended for 10 meter tests, due to the visibility of the barrel crown.



Produto/Item/ArtículoCanos de Ø15mm/Barrels of Ø15mm/Cañón de Ø15mmCanos de Ø15mm/Barrels of Ø15mm/Cañón de Ø15mmObservações
Muzzle Brake 03 Montana Custom MZB.MO03.15.02Ponta dourado ou preto, End tip golden or black, Punta dorada o negra
Muzzle Brake 07 Marauder Custom MZB.CR09.15.XXMZB.CR09.16.XXPonta dourado ou preto, End tip golden or black, Punta dorada o negra
Muzzle Brake 09 Crown Custom MZB.MA07.15.XXPonta dourado ou preto, End tip golden or black, Punta dorada o negra
Muzzle Brake 01 10mAR Custom MZB.10AR.15.02Mais curto, indicado para provas de 10 metros, devido a visibilidade da coroa do cano
Muzzle Brake GAMO CFX/CFRMZB.G03.02Apenas GAMO CFX/CFR (cano fixo)/Gamo CFX/CFR Only (fixed barrel)/Solo Gamo CFX/CFR (Cañón Fijo)

* For models not listed, consult Quickshot!
** Front tips also sold separately